Concrete Resurfacing & Repair

Resurfacing & Repair

Is your concrete in need of a facelift? Are you tired of the same old look of your driveway, sidewalk, steps or front entryway? Does your concrete have imperfections such as spalling or chipping? Then resurfacing may be right for you!

At Advanced Concrete Solutions we have the ability to rejuvenate your tired old concrete and create a new and improved look. AsOur ultra surface resurfacing system is chemical resistant, stain resistant, easy to clean, has exceptional adhesion and has an impressive compressive strength. We create a durable, new looking surface, for less than the price of removal and replacement. The colored sealer that we use is a water based acrylic that is breathable yet protects the surface beneath it. Preparation is the key success to any coating and you can rest assured that Advanced Concrete Solutions properly prepares every substrate that is to receive a coating to ensure a high quality and durable job. Don’t just patch an area, resurface it. Encapsulation of the surface in its entirety keeps moisture and chemicals from attacking and ruining a patch. Don’t let your concrete deteriorate beyond repair!

  • Chemical resistant

  • Stain resistant

  • Durable

  • Long lasting

  • Easy to clean


Resurfacing BEFORE


Resurfacing AFTER


Resurfacing BEFORE


Resurfacing AFTER